Projects Archive

A collection of discontinued (either replaced or archived) projects.


Cats  Cats favicon

A digital version of our "which cat is in the house" installation at home.
Lesson learned: That 3-way-binding with Firebase is just jaw-dropping easy. Go check them out!

Replaced (2.1) Cats

Brocode  Brocode favicon

Front-End to my Brocode-API (see below).
Lesson learned: If you stick with the examples, Angular.js is insanely easy to develop with, combined with sufficient features.

Archived Brocode


Kastell-Apotheke  Kastell-Apotheke favicon

Redid the website in Jeykll. Got sick of Wordpress, constant security holes, updates break settings, nasty stuff. Just not stable enough in the long run.
Lesson learned: Jekyll isn't a silver-bullet either. Doing sophisticated html, no Markdown, Jekyll looses a lot of its charm.

Archived Kastell-Apotheke

Kastell-Apotheke  Kastell-Apotheke favicon

A small website for a local pharmacy. Nothing fancy, responsive and partly search engine optimized. First Wordpress-powered website. Running smooth. Host-Europe is a great hoster.
Lesson learned: Wordpress desperately needs multi-language in the core. Update regularly!

Replaced (2.0) Kastell-Apotheke

AFK - Filmkreis  AFK favicon

Rewrite the homepage of the student's cinema at KIT. Making it faster and responsive. Stepping down from Bootstrap to the lightweight Gridly.
Lesson learned: New techniques, especially for naviagtion menus. Additionally I now can appreciate Bootstrap even more.

Archived AFK-Filmkreis

Herrenmode Silberzahn

Another small website for a local fashion store. One more time build with Twitter-Bootstrap CSS-Framework. Still pretty happy with how easy it is to get nice and responsive designs.
Lesson learned: Using "npm run" as a task-runner is a two-sided medal too.

Archived Herrenmode Silberzahn



Read-only list of all Brocode-Articles. Hopefully CBS won't sue me for this :P
First try to write a RESTful-API with the Node.js+MongoDB-combination.
Lesson learned: Using a NoSQL-database the first time felt great. Even though I love normalized databases, this schema-less thing felt relieving. Additionally the combination of Node.js + Express makes it very easy to just write it off.



Had fun with my Pebble developing watch-faces and apps. Due to the recent announcements, all further activities on Pebble development are stopped.


Basically a digital version of the little sandglass I had when I was a kid to ensure I'm toothbrushing the proper amount of time.
Lesson learned: Once you go JavaScript you never want to go back :/

App Archived Toothbrushtimer

Contact Me

A digital businesscard using Pebble and QR-Code.
Lesson learned: Barely useful to exchange contact information with techies, totally useless with "normal" people.

Watchface Archived Contact Me


Pebble-Watchapp to view BroCode-Articles. A Twitter-Bot delivering the same content as tweets is already online.
Follow him: @BroCodeBot

App / Watchface Cancelled